
  1. 2. A visual representation of an area or place.
  2. 7. A long trip or travel from one place to another.
  3. 8. A document that allows someone to travel to other countries.
  4. 11. A plan or schedule of activities for a trip.
  5. 12. A memento or keepsake bought or collected during travel.
  6. 13. The activity of visiting famous or interesting places.
  7. 14. A place to stay overnight or during a trip, such as a hotel.
  8. 15. To travel in search of new places and experiences.
  1. 1. A place where someone is going or planning to go.
  2. 3. An exciting and unusual experience or journey.
  3. 4. The means of moving people or goods from one place to another.
  4. 5. A guided trip or excursion to visit different places.
  5. 6. A period of time when someone takes a break from work or school.
  6. 9. A vacation trip taken on a ship, usually with multiple stops.
  7. 10. Bags or suitcases used to carry belongings when traveling.