
  1. 3. A navigational tool with a magnetized needle that points towards the Earth's magnetic north, helping you find your direction when exploring new places.
  2. 5. An official document that allows you to travel to different countries and serves as proof of your identity.
  3. 7. A head-covering accessory that helps protect you from the sun, keeping you cool and shading your face from direct sunlight.
  4. 8. A large bag or case with handles and wheels, used for carrying clothes and other personal belongings when traveling.
  5. 9. A lotion or cream that you apply to your skin to protect it from the harmful rays of the sun, preventing sunburn and skin damage
  6. 11. Coins and banknotes that are used as a medium of exchange for goods and services, enabling you to buy things during your journey.
  7. 12. A visual representation of the Earth's surface, showing different places, roads, and geographical features.
  1. 1. Special glasses with darkened lenses that protect your eyes from the sun's bright rays, making it easier to see and reducing eye strain.
  2. 2. A small, portable case used to carry money, cards, and identification, allowing you to keep your important items organized and secure.
  3. 4. Small portions of food that you can eat during your journey, providing you with energy and satisfying your hunger.
  4. 6. A small piece of paper or electronic document that shows you have permission to travel on a particular form of transportation, like a plane or a train.
  5. 10. A device used to take pictures and record videos, allowing you to capture and preserve memories of your travels.