
  1. 2. expedition Going on nature trails and climbing mountains. It's an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, spot wildlife, and challenge yourself physically.
  2. 4. vacation Going on a large ship that travels to different ports or destinations. It provides a range of activities, entertainment, and the chance to visit multiple places without packing and unpacking.
  3. 10. hopping Exploring multiple islands in a region, usually by boat or ferry. It offers the opportunity to discover different landscapes, beaches, and local cultures.
  4. 11. A trip to observe and photograph wildlife in their natural habitats. It's commonly done in African countries and offers a chance to see animals like lions, elephants, and giraffes up close.
  5. 12. Type Description
  6. 14. tour Visiting a city to explore its landmarks, museums, and cultural attractions. You can learn about the city's history, try local cuisine, and shop for souvenirs.
  7. 15. immersion Engaging in the local culture and traditions of a specific place. It involves trying local food, learning traditional dances or crafts, and interacting with locals.
  8. 16. cruise Traveling on a boat along rivers or waterways. It allows you to enjoy scenic views, relax on deck, and explore different destinations along the river.
  1. 1. park visit Going to amusement parks with various rides, shows, and attractions. It's a fun-filled experience with roller coasters, water slides, and themed entertainment.
  2. 3. tour Visiting historical sites and landmarks to learn about the past. It includes exploring ancient ruins, castles, and museums that preserve history.
  3. 5. trip Traveling by car to different destinations. It's an adventure where you can explore new places, enjoy scenic drives, and make stops along the way.
  4. 6. trip A winter vacation focused on skiing or snowboarding. It involves gliding down snowy slopes, enjoying winter sports, and cozying up in mountain resorts.
  5. 7. journey Traveling by train to reach various destinations. It's a scenic and comfortable way to see the countryside, enjoy panoramic views, and meet fellow travelers.
  6. 8. vacation A trip to a coastal area with sandy beaches and clear water. It's a relaxing getaway where you can swim, sunbathe, and build sandcastles.
  7. 9. Staying outdoors in tents or cabins, usually in a natural setting like a forest or campground. It's a chance to experience nature, build campfires, and go hiking or fishing.
  8. 13. trip Traveling to a destination to participate in volunteer work or community service. It's an opportunity to make a positive impact, help others, and learn about different communities.