
  1. 2. A sandy or pebbly area next to the ocean or a lake
  2. 4. A paper or digital guide that shows the locations of places
  3. 5. A bag worn on the back to carry belongings during a trip
  4. 8. A large bag used to pack clothes and belongings for a trip
  5. 10. Visiting famous or interesting places as a tourist
  6. 11. A place where travelers can stay and rest overnight
  7. 12. A piece of paper or electronic pass that allows entry or travel
  1. 1. A small booklet that allows you to travel to different countries
  2. 3. Staying outdoors overnight, usually in a tent or camper
  3. 6. A device used to take pictures and capture memories
  4. 7. A place where airplanes take off and land and people travel by air
  5. 9. Exciting or daring experience, often involving new and unknown places