
  1. 3. A person who travels to a different place for recreation or leisure.
  2. 6. A device used to take photographs and capture memories during a trip.
  3. 7. The activity of staying outdoors in a tent or camper overnight.
  4. 11. A large flying vehicle used for transportation across long distances.
  5. 14. To travel in or through an unfamiliar area to discover and learn about it.
  6. 15. A document that shows proof of payment for transportation or entry to an event.
  1. 1. A rectangular case used for carrying clothes and personal belongings while traveling.
  2. 2. A memento or keepsake purchased to remember a place or experience.
  3. 4. The place to which someone is traveling or the final stop of a journey.
  4. 5. A document issued by a government that allows you to travel to other countries.
  5. 8. A place where travelers can stay overnight or for a period of time.
  6. 9. A book containing information about a particular destination or travel tips.
  7. 10. A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean, lake, or river, often visited by tourists.
  8. 12. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration or risk.
  9. 13. A visual representation of an area, showing roads, landmarks, and other features.