
  1. 3. A visual representation of an area, showing roads, landmarks, and directions to help navigate during travel.
  2. 5. Staying outdoors in a tent or camper, typically in a designated campsite, as a recreational activity during travel.
  3. 6. A keepsake or memento obtained during travel to remember a specific place or experience.
  4. 7. A bag worn on the back, usually made of fabric, used for carrying belongings during travel.
  5. 10. A personal vehicle that travels on roads.
  6. 11. A watercraft that sails on water, allowing people to travel to different areas.
  7. 12. A document that grants admission or access to transportation, attractions, or events during travel.
  8. 13. The activity of visiting and exploring interesting or famous places during travel.
  9. 17. A book or publication that provides information, tips, and recommendations for travelers.
  10. 18. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of an ocean, sea, lake, or river, often visited for relaxation or recreation.
  1. 1. A two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedals, used for transportation and recreation.
  2. 2. An official document issued by the government that allows a person to travel internationally.
  3. 4. A vehicle that flies in the sky and carries people to different places.
  4. 8. An exciting and sometimes daring experience, often associated with exploring new places or activities during travel.
  5. 9. A transportation vehicle that moves along tracks and transports people to various locations.
  6. 14. The activity of walking in natural areas or trails, often done in the countryside or mountains during travel.
  7. 15. A large vehicle that transports multiple people and travels on roads with designated stops.
  8. 16. An establishment that provides temporary accommodation for travelers.
  9. 19. A device used to capture photographs or videos to document and remember travel experiences.