
  1. 7. A tiny marine animal that forms hard skeletons and contributes to coral reef formation.
  2. 8. protected area An area of the ocean where human activities are restricted to conserve marine life.
  3. 10. forest A coastal forest consisting of mangrove trees that protect coastlines and support life.
  4. 12. The protection and preservation of natural resources and ecosystems.
  5. 14. A shore made up of sand or pebbles along the edge of a body of water.
  6. 15. A type of marine algae that grows in shallow waters and provides food and shelter.
  7. 16. forest A dense underwater area with tall kelp plants, providing shelter for marine organisms.
  1. 1. The hard protective outer covering of certain marine organisms like mollusks.
  2. 2. reef A colorful underwater ecosystem made up of coral and inhabited by diverse marine life.
  3. 3. food chain The transfer of energy and nutrients through different organisms in the ocean.
  4. 4. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  5. 5. biodiversity The variety of living organisms in the marine environment.
  6. 6. meadow An underwater area where seagrass grows, providing habitat for many species.
  7. 9. A highly intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior.
  8. 11. pool A small pool of seawater left behind when the tide goes out, home to various organisms.
  9. 13. A seabird commonly found near coastlines and bodies of water.