
  1. 2. An official document issued by a government that certifies a person's identity and citizenship, allowing them to travel internationally.
  2. 7. A rectangular-shaped bag or container used for carrying clothes and personal belongings while traveling.
  3. 9. A place where people can stay overnight or for a short period of time, offering accommodations, amenities, and services for travelers.
  4. 11. An exciting or unusual experience or activity that involves exploring new places, taking risks, and trying new things while traveling.
  5. 12. A place where airplanes take off and land, allowing people to travel to different destinations by air. Airports have terminals, runways, and various services for passengers.
  1. 1. A visual representation of an area or a place, showing geographical features, roads, landmarks, and other important information.
  2. 3. The activity of visiting and touring famous or interesting places in a particular location, often to learn about its culture and history.
  3. 4. A mode of transportation that runs on tracks, consisting of connected cars or carriages, used for traveling between cities and regions.
  4. 5. A sandy or pebbly shore by the sea or a lake, often visited for swimming, sunbathing, and relaxing.
  5. 6. A large vehicle used to transport passengers on scheduled routes, often within a city or between different cities and towns.
  6. 8. An item or a keepsake purchased or collected during a trip to remind someone of a particular place or experience. Souvenirs can include keychains, postcards, or small trinkets.
  7. 10. A device used to capture photographs or record videos, allowing travelers to capture and preserve memories of their journeys.