
  1. 3. A trip or vacation taken on a large ship, typically traveling to multiple destinations.
  2. 4. A person who visits different places for leisure or cultural exploration.
  3. 6. Going on a trip to a different place for leisure and relaxation.
  4. 8. A device used to take photographs and capture memories while exploring new places.
  5. 10. An item purchased or kept as a memory or memento of a trip or destination.
  6. 11. A place where airplanes take off and land, serving as a gateway to different destinations.
  7. 13. A document that grants entry or access to transportation, such as a plane, train, or bus.
  8. 14. A famous or significant feature of a place, often visited by tourists.
  1. 1. A book providing information about a particular destination, including attractions and recommendations for travelers.
  2. 2. A large bag with a handle and wheels used for carrying clothes and personal belongings during travel.
  3. 5. An official document issued by a government that allows a person to travel internationally.
  4. 7. A card with a picture on one side and space for a message and address on the other, typically sent to friends or family while traveling.
  5. 9. Exciting and daring experiences or activities undertaken during travel.
  6. 12. A place where people can stay overnight or for a short period during their travels.
  7. 15. A visual representation of an area, providing guidance and direction while traveling.