
  1. 3. A visual representation that shows directions and locations.
  2. 4. An exciting and daring experience, exploring new things during the journey.
  3. 5. A short journey taken for a specific purpose.
  4. 7. A period of time when you take a break from work or school to relax and have fun.
  5. 9. A long walk in the countryside, especially for pleasure and exercise.
  6. 10. A journey on an airplane to a particular destination.
  7. 11. Staying outdoors in a tent or camper for leisure and recreati
  8. 12. An area of sand and water by the sea or a lake.
  9. 13. A special item purchased at a destination to bring back as a memory of the trip.
  1. 1. A document issued by a government to identify a person when traveling abroad.
  2. 2. The place you are traveling to, your intended goal of the trip.
  3. 6. A place where travelers can stay overnight or for a short period during their trip.
  4. 8. The activity of visiting famous places and tourist attractions.