
  1. 2. A visual representation of an area or place, often used for navigation and finding directions.
  2. 4. A person or book that provides information and assistance to tourists, helping them navigate and learn about a destination.
  3. 7. An official government document that identifies a person and allows them to travel to other countries.
  4. 9. A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.
  5. 10. Pieces of paper or electronic documents that grant entry or access to transportation, events, or attractions.
  6. 11. A trip on a ship, often for leisure, where passengers visit multiple destinations.
  1. 1. Bags, suitcases, and containers used to carry personal belongings while traveling.
  2. 3. A place where airplanes take off and land, and where passengers board and disembark from flights.
  3. 5. A place that provides lodging accommodations for travelers, often with rooms for rent.
  4. 6. The act of traveling from one place to another, often involving a long and significant trip.
  5. 8. A period of time when someone takes a break from work or school to travel or relax.
  6. 10. A person who travels to visit different places and experience new cultures or attractions.