
  1. 2. A person whose job is to take tickets from passengers on public transport.
  2. 4. This is used to carry suitcases at an airport. It has wheels.
  3. 6. This is where you buy your boarding pass.
  4. 8. This is where you go when you leave an airport.
  5. 10. A place where people can sit while making time for something.
  6. 12. A place at a railway station, where people get on and off trains.
  1. 1. This person travels, but doesn’t drive.
  2. 3. This is the place in an airport where you get your boardingpass and leave your suitcases.
  3. 5. A line of people that you stand in when you’re waiting for something.
  4. 7. A journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again.
  5. 9. This is where you go when you land at an airport to collect your suitcases.
  6. 11. A boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water.