
  1. 3. The moment when you reach your destination or arrive at a place.
  2. 7. The place you are traveling to, often the goal of your trip.
  3. 9. A place to stay while traveling, offering accommodations and services.
  4. 10. A period of time when you relax and enjoy yourself away from home.
  5. 11. The activity of visiting interesting places and tourist attractions.
  1. 1. Pass The document that allows you to get on a plane.
  2. 2. A necessary document for international travel, proving your identity and citizenship.
  3. 4. The bags and suitcases you bring with you when traveling.
  4. 5. An outdoor activity involving tents, nature, and the great outdoors.
  5. 6. A keepsake you bring back from your trip.
  6. 7. The act of leaving for a trip or journey.
  7. 8. The process of registering or confirming your presence at a hotel or airport.
  8. 12. Book What you do to secure a reservation for a flight, hotel, or activity.