  1. 4. A notable or significant feature of a landscape or city.
  2. 6. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration and risk.
  3. 7. A period of time when someone takes a break from work or school to relax or travel.
  4. 8. To travel in or through an unfamiliar area to learn about it.
  5. 9. A person who travels to a destination for leisure and exploration.
  6. 12. An official document that allows someone to travel to other countries.
  1. 1. The type of money used in a particular country or region.
  2. 2. The act of reserving or booking accommodations or services in advance.
  3. 3. A keepsake or memento purchased as a reminder of a trip.
  4. 5. Bags, suitcases, and other items used to carry personal belongings while traveling.
  5. 10. The activity of visiting interesting places and tourist attractions.
  6. 11. A trip on a large ship for leisure and travel.