
  1. 5. ...a plane or train which you have to change if you travel long distance
  2. 7. ticket ...- this person checks your tickets
  3. 11. ...station- a place where a train leaves
  4. 12. it's a part of a car where you pack your shopping and suitcases
  5. 13. a cheaper way of buying tickets, e.g. if you are a student or retired
  6. 15. a bag that you pack when you go on holidays
  7. 17. the money that you pay for the ticket
  8. 19. ...station- a place where you tank your car
  9. 20. a train or plane that comes late has a .....
  1. 1. a small bag that you take with you on the cabin of a plane
  2. 2. a place in a carriage where six or eight people six
  3. 3. if you borrow a car or a bike and you pay for it
  4. 4. gadgets that you buy when you are on holidays
  5. 6. the opposite of arrivals
  6. 8. the traditional way of cooking for a certain country
  7. 9. you fasten it to feel safe in a car
  8. 10. to lie in the sun to got brown
  9. 14. a synonym for a taxi
  10. 16. an object where you sleep when you go camping
  11. 18. ...attendant- a person who works on board of the plane