
  1. 2. the history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country
  2. 3. to try a small amount of a product
  3. 5. of very great extent or quantity
  4. 7. to tell someone about a secret
  5. 10. containing a lot of matter in a small space
  6. 12. to speak to God or another deity
  7. 13. a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation
  8. 14. succulent; tender and juicy
  9. 16. in a detailed and carefully arranged manner
  10. 18. any of several parts of something; series
  1. 1. to draw special attention to something
  2. 4. in a lively, animated, or dramatic way
  3. 6. beautiful; very attractive
  4. 8. disadvantage
  5. 9. to walk in a leisurely way
  6. 11. completely
  7. 15. a large meal, typically a celebratory one
  8. 17. to have a short, light sleep, especially during the day
  9. 19. a member of a religious community