
  1. 3. A country and a continent, home to unique animals like kangaroos and koalas
  2. 5. The largest ocean on Earth
  3. 8. The largest continent
  4. 9. An activity where you move through water using your arms and legs
  5. 11. Use this to float or travel on rivers, lakes, or seas
  6. 13. A continent famous for its wildlife, including elephants, lions, and giraffes
  1. 1. A large case for carrying clothes and other items
  2. 2. A structure made of sand, often built on the beach
  3. 4. A drawing of an area showing its roads, rivers, cities, etc
  4. 6. Casual sandals that are easy to slip on and off, perfect for the beach
  5. 7. A document you need to travel to other countries
  6. 10. Staying outdoors in a tent for fun and adventure
  7. 12. A series of connected vehicles that run on tracks