
  1. 2. The friendly and generous reception.
  2. 6. To feel amazed and impressed by something. (2 words)
  3. 8. To release or stop holding onto something.
  4. 10. The place where someone is going or planning to go.
  5. 12. An event where one can buy various goods, play games and watch performances.
  6. 13. To reserve a hotel room or flight.
  1. 1. The action of registering one’s presence, typically at an airport or in a hotel. (2 parts)
  2. 3. To come down through the air, usually said about planes.
  3. 4. A line of very slow moving cars. (2 parts)
  4. 5. Busy activity and movement, often used to describe a fast-paced lifestyle.
  5. 7. A large road designed for high-speed travel between cities.
  6. 9. A short trip or vacation to relax and take a break from daily routine.
  7. 11. To begin a journey. (2 parts)