
  1. 3. lag A temporary condition experienced by travelers when their sleep patterns and bodily rhythms are disrupted due to crossing multiple time zones.
  2. 9. Traveling or hiking with a backpack, often involving budget travel, staying in hostels, and exploring multiple destinations.
  3. 10. The activity of visiting and touring famous or interesting places.
  4. 12. Relating to or crossing an entire continent, typically referring to a journey, route, or transportation that spans multiple continents.
  5. 14. A journey or excursion, often with a specific purpose or goal, such as exploration or research.
  1. 1. A place where travelers can stay overnight or during their trip, such as a hotel, hostel, or vacation rental.
  2. 2. A place to which someone is traveling or intends to travel.
  3. 4. An item or memento obtained during a trip or visit to remember a specific place or experience.
  4. 5. A planned route or schedule of activities for a trip or journey.
  5. 6. A strong desire or impulse to travel and explore the world.
  6. 7. Relating to traveling from place to place, often used to describe someone who frequently moves or travels for work or pleasure.
  7. 8. An exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration or outdoor activities.
  8. 11. A person who travels aimlessly or without a fixed destination, often seeking new experiences or adventure.
  9. 13. immersion: The process of fully engaging and experiencing the customs, traditions, language, and lifestyle of a different culture or community.