  1. 3. (Famous Australian rock formation)
  2. 4. (Famous archipelago in the Caribbean)
  3. 5. (Popular mode of transportation in Southeast Asia)
  4. 6. (Currency used in Japan)
  5. 12. (Famous beach in Rio de Janeiro)
  6. 14. (The largest city in New Zealand)
  7. 16. (A famous ancient wonder in Egypt)
  8. 18. (A city known for its skyline and Broadway shows)
  9. 19. (A famous ancient city in Greece known for its ruins)
  10. 20. (The tallest mountain in the world)
  1. 1. (A famous landmark in London that houses the British royal family)
  2. 2. (Type of accommodation often seen in national parks)
  3. 7. (Famous tower in Paris)
  4. 8. (Popular mode of transportation in Venice)
  5. 9. (A large desert in Africa)
  6. 10. (A group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean)
  7. 11. (Type of document needed for international travel)
  8. 13. (The currency used in the European Union)
  9. 15. (A famous canal city in Italy)
  10. 17. (The capital of Italy)