Travel Crossword

  1. 1. - "Lodging establishment for travelers."
  2. 4. - "Portable bag carried on one's back."
  3. 5. - "Official document for international travel."
  4. 7. - "Budget accommodation for travelers."
  5. 8. - "Traveler's reference for information and tips."
  6. 13. - "Arrangement to secure accommodations or services."
  7. 16. - "Place to which one is traveling."
  8. 18. - "Document granting admission or passage."
  9. 19. - "Bags and suitcases for carrying belongings."
  10. 20. - "Money used in a particular country."
  11. 21. - "Exciting or daring experience."
  12. 23. - "Memento or keepsake from travel."
  1. 2. - "Travel in search of new experiences."
  2. 3. - "Diagrammatic representation of an area."
  3. 6. - "Visitor to a place of interest."
  4. 9. - "Visiting places of interest."
  5. 10. - "Exciting or daring experience."
  6. 11. - "Facility for air travel."
  7. 12. - "Voyage on a ship for pleasure."
  8. 14. - "Planned route or schedule of travel."
  9. 15. - "Lease of goods or property for temporary use."
  10. 17. - "Short journey or trip, usually for leisure."
  11. 21. - "Exciting or daring experience."
  12. 22. - "Permission to enter a foreign country."