Travel Crossword

  1. 2. Build on the beach
  2. 5. Country of Melanesia
  3. 6. Vacation time
  4. 8. Where you spend Baht
  5. 9. Famous for whiskey
  6. 12. Ireland's colour
  7. 18. Where Lemurs come from
  8. 19. Longest coastline
  9. 20. Highest mountain
  10. 21. Beach wear
  11. 22. Go here to swim with pigs
  12. 23. African Country
  13. 24. Japan's capital
  14. 25. Beatle's hometown
  1. 1. Viva
  2. 3. City in Ireland
  3. 4. Flower of Scotland
  4. 7. Australia's capital
  5. 10. River in Paris
  6. 11. The Vengaboys went here
  7. 12. City in Scotland
  8. 13. Big ocean
  9. 14. Yosemite National Park is here
  10. 15. Don't forget this
  11. 16. It gets between your toes
  12. 17. Magical North of Finland
  13. 20. Currency of Spain