Travel Crossword

  1. 3. The sixteenth on his marble throne
  2. 7. Not quite Wonderland, but you will find Alice in this green centrepiece.
  3. 11. A spherical boat tour of the Hudson River
  4. 14. The end of route 66
  5. 17. The happiest place on earth
  6. 19. Watch out, the steps here can be a bit rocky
  7. 21. Lunch cruise with(out) nachos
  8. 23. Home place of the Captain
  9. 24. People come here to sling back some drinks
  1. 1. This Art Deco gem is often mistaken for its rival
  2. 2. The exhibits here are out of this world
  3. 4. The best place to view the Starry Night
  4. 5. This journey will tranzport you through the alps
  5. 6. We saw Fleetwood Mac's Gypsy here
  6. 8. You'll want to get up early for a shot at this one just be careful you don't get charged
  7. 9. Will you walk, cycle or drive this span to Sausalito? The suspense is killing me!
  8. 10. Allan's favourite cafe in NYC
  9. 12. You'll need some training to follow the trail of Lewis and Clark
  10. 13. A great place to Rock-ette
  11. 15. Despite it's name, these is plenty of space here so you won't feel packed like sardines
  12. 16. Without it, many a workday would grind to a halt
  13. 18. You'll find these ladies of Saint Francis on the street, day or night
  14. 20. You'll have to pass through the Bermuda Triangle to find this lost city paradise
  15. 22. 70 floors above New York City