Travel Crossword

  1. 1. A flying vehicle which transports us to other parts of the world
  2. 4. A trip with a group in which different places are visited
  3. 6. An agency that sells to & makes arrangements for travellers
  4. 9. A person who is travelling to places for pleasure
  5. 11. A particular place you wish to get to
  6. 12. Where the author puts their full name or initials
  7. 13. A memorable journey and mainly an experience
  8. 15. A chart which shows the location of cities, roads, etc.
  9. 17. A visual representation of someone's daily experiences
  10. 18. A use of words which appeals to the senses of sight, touch, taste, sound & smell
  11. 19. Information which is completely true
  12. 20. A paper that gives someone a right to travel on public transport
  1. 2. An unusual and exciting, wild or daring experience
  2. 3. A large vehicle carrying passengers by road to school, shops, etc.
  3. 5. A small book with photos & info about a particular destination
  4. 7. A piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine, etc.
  5. 8. A personal card for sending messages by post without an envelope
  6. 10. A person who advertises their products via phone
  7. 14. Information which is usually based on someone's thoughts
  8. 16. A recorded schedule of when things will take place