Travel Destinations

  1. 5. City of Canals
  2. 6. Capital of Cuba
  3. 7. Birthplace of Democracy
  4. 8. The Great Wall's Start
  5. 11. The Big Ben City
  6. 13. Moroccan Cultural Hub
  7. 14. - Capital of Japan
  8. 16. Christ the Redeemer's Home
  9. 17. Gaudí's Masterpieces
  10. 18. Harbor and Opera House
  11. 19. Danube River Splitter
  12. 21. South Korean Capital
  13. 23. South African Beauty
  1. 1. Modern Oasis in the Desert
  2. 2. - Home of the Colosseum
  3. 3. - The City of Love
  4. 4. Thai Capital
  5. 5. Strauss' Wondrous City
  6. 9. Where East Meets West
  7. 10. Red Square's Home
  8. 12. The Big Apple
  9. 15. City of a Hundred Spires
  10. 18. Australian Landmark
  11. 20. CN Tower's City
  12. 22. Pyramids' Location