Travel Destinations

  1. 3. Small, Scurrying Rodent
  2. 6. Spotted Big Cat
  3. 7. Winged Nocturnal Hunter
  4. 9. Swift Desert Runner
  5. 10. Graceful Underwater Dancer
  6. 14. Majestic Horned Mammal
  7. 17. Feathered Songster
  8. 18. Man's Best Friend
  9. 19. Social Insect, Hard Worker
  10. 20. Graceful and Swift
  11. 22. Nocturnal Flying Mammal
  12. 23. Domesticated Feline
  13. 25. Playful Aquatic Mammal
  14. 27. Aquatic Shell-Wearer
  15. 28. Colorful Reef Inhabitant
  1. 1. Large Herbivorous Mammal
  2. 2. Long-Horned Grass Grazer
  3. 4. Smart and Playful
  4. 5. Majestic Flying Creature
  5. 8. Giant African Mammal
  6. 11. Fastest Land Animal
  7. 12. Adorable Bamboo Eater
  8. 13. Cute, Eucalyptus Lover
  9. 14. Long-Eared Hopper
  10. 15. Striped Big Cat
  11. 16. Giant Marine Mammal
  12. 21. Armored Shell Wearer
  13. 24. Long-Necked Mammal
  14. 26. Social Insect