Travel Etiquette

  1. 4. Invisible boundary around an individual.
  2. 6. Consideration and thoughtfulness towards others.
  3. 11. Clear and effective exchange of information.
  4. 13. Thoughtfulness towards the needs of others.
  5. 14. Paying attention to what others are saying.
  6. 17. Cleanliness and personal grooming.
  7. 18. Being on time and respecting schedules.
  8. 20. Line of people waiting for a service.
  1. 1. Guidelines on appropriate clothing for an occasion.
  2. 2. Socially acceptable behavior and conduct.
  3. 3. Awareness and respect for diverse cultural practices.
  4. 5. Ability to remain calm and not get frustrated.
  5. 7. Acceptance and understanding of diverse cultures.
  6. 8. Dividing or giving part of something with others.
  7. 9. Gratuity given to service providers for good service.
  8. 10. Polite behavior and manners towards others.
  9. 12. Expression of gratitude.
  10. 15. Not speaking or making noise when appropriate.
  11. 16. Polite and friendly acknowledgment of someone.
  12. 19. Flexibility to adjust to different situations.