Travel idioms

  1. 3. He will do everything to improve his financial situation. Any ____ in a storm.
  2. 5. The party is boring. I think I will hit the ____.
  3. 6. We should focus on relevant and mundane issues, such as global warming or hunger, instead of debating things over which we have no influence. We are rearranging the ______ chairs on the Titanic.
  4. 8. It's too late, agreed to go on a date with someone else. That _______ has sailed.
  5. 10. He is ruthless. If he wants to get something, he will do everything to get it. He can even _____ you under the bus.
  6. 13. Mathematics in the ib program is really not a ______ science.
  7. 14. In the morning I was taking care of my little rebellious sister and now I run on ______.
  8. 15. Blueberry is crazily obsessed with that one boy at school and recently she has been acting off her _____.
  9. 17. We run our corporation according strictly to the rules imposed by the sanitary-epidemiological station. We run a _____ ship here.
  10. 18. Weronika had an amazing opportunity to travel to Switzerland but due to her laziness she has missed the ______.
  1. 1. They are in an abusive relationship. She is totally in the driver’s ____.
  2. 2. You put the card before the _____ and now you have no money. Buying furniture before buying an apartment was crazy!
  3. 3. Susie’s shares in the new state-owned pharmaceutical company came to light and as a judge she had to walk the _____.
  4. 4. Weronika is flying _____ now because of her great success in chemical industry.
  5. 7. James had gone to Turkey for a nose job and after a few complications the doctors finally think that he turned the _____.
  6. 9. We are preparing the most remarkable party in town. We need all ____ on the deck.
  7. 11. Recently, Weronika had a rough night at her work, and we’re in the ___ boat - I had it too after a strong party.
  8. 12. Shifting _____, I’d like to go to the Switzerland with my friend this summer.
  9. 14. I didn’t prepare for this assignment, so I will have to __ by the seat of one’s pants in order to pass the subject.
  10. 16. The school’s principal gave the green _____ to body shaming his students during his last speech.