Travel idioms

  1. 3. She is a very strict teacher, she will lower the _ on you if you don't turn in your assingment on time.
  2. 4. I'm in a _. I need to look for some new hobbies and challenges that i can overcome.
  3. 5. Meg always dwells on the small details, she always criticizes the paint job on the _.
  4. 7. We better hit the _ before it starts raining.
  5. 8. This ship touched water only 2 years ago. It's almost brand new!
  6. 12. I can help you, but only if you follow my rules. With me it's always my _ or the highway.
  7. 13. You don't have to wait for me for dinner, I will eat on the _.
  8. 14. Our company is running low on money, some employees are bound to walk the _.
  9. 15. I hate driving with him, he always complains and lectures me, he is such a _ driver.
  10. 17. I need to do my homework and go to sleep, I have been running on _ for hours.
  11. 18. Natalie was supposed to make sure the paperwork went through before the deadline, but it looks like she was asleep at the _.
  1. 1. The boss gave the _ light to our project, we can get started right away!
  2. 2. I don't really like Thomas, but I had to ask him for help because he is the best at explaining how to solve exercises. Any _ in a storm, I guess.
  3. 3. You have to finally jump on the _ and start listening to this new band!
  4. 4. You need to read the chapter in the textbook, solve some examples and you will get the hang of it. It's not _ science.
  5. 6. She cares only about herself, she will _ anyone under the bus if it means it will work in her favour.
  6. 9. To comfortably travel through our city You need to get to know all the highways and _.
  7. 10. It isn't a very spectacular or well developed game, but I enjoyed it for its plot. Your _ may vary, though.
  8. 11. I met up with my two friends hoping we would have a nice time, but I turned out to be the _ wheel.
  9. 16. Look up there! This _ jumper has been flying around here for over an hour!