  1. 2. Dixie always shifts _ when her family asks her uncomfortable questions about marriage
  2. 5. Pepe has fallen off the _ as he once again started smoking
  3. 7. Jessica always jumps on the _ as she is too afraid to state her opinion publically
  4. 8. We are on the _ stretch right now. Only one more task and we're free to go
  5. 11. We'd better _ the road now or else we'll be late
  6. 12. I went the extra _ and received the highest mark for my additional work
  7. 14. George is off his _. He spent over 10 grand on socks!
  8. 16. I don't recommend flying on the _ jumper if you're afraid of heavy turbulance
  9. 19. The topic of abortion is a third _ in catholic families. So don't bring it up unless you want to sleep on the balcony
  1. 1. Marika was on a wing and a _ after she had lost her job hoping for better times to come
  2. 3. My boss is in the driver's _. He is in control of every action undertook in his company
  3. 4. I heard Derek's dad lowers the _ every time his son receives a bad mark. For his sake I hope it's only rumours
  4. 6. Cooking pasta is not _ science. It's the easiest meal possible
  5. 7. I missed the _ as I forgot to sign up for the competition
  6. 9. I can't keep up with my teachers, they always explain one thing and then _ the track and focus on another
  7. 10. In your friend group I always feel awkward and like a fifth _
  8. 13. The winter break is just around the _. Time is flying by so fast
  9. 15. Dora is a person who will throw you under the _ as she only cares about her personal gain
  10. 17. All hands on _. We need as much help as possible
  11. 18. I can't use my smartphone while I'm on the _. I'm a responsible driver