Travel Vocab

  1. 3. subir (What is a mother word for when the plane "loads" people)
  2. 4. hacer la maleta (When you have a lot of clothes you need to ___ a ____)
  3. 5. salir (to leave)
  4. 7. español(a) (Speak this language in Mexico)
  5. 8. abordar ( same thing as loading the plane)
  6. 9. La llegada (When the plane lands what is this called)
  7. 10. la sección de no fumar (You can't do this in a plane)
  8. 11. Mostrador (Where you set paper towel in the kitchen)
  9. 12. el asistente de vuelo (Male person who helps on the plane)
  10. 14. el Destino (What is a word for designated point)
  11. 15. poner (to put)
  12. 16. la asistenta de vuelo (Female person who helps on the plane)
  13. 20. abrir ( To pack your luggage you have to ___ first)
  14. 21. a Tiempo ( You are not late but you are not early)
  15. 22. colombiano(a) (Country in South America)
  16. 23. el vuelo ( When a plane reaches a point in the sky)
  17. 24. agente(The person who checks your tickets at the gate)
  18. 25. Pasaporte (What you need to travel out of the country)
  19. 27. Aeropuerto (Port for Air Vehicles)
  20. 28. recoger (Ubers ___ people up)
  21. 31. Equipaje (Another word for suitcase)
  22. 32. facturar (TSA does this to your luggage when it goes into the machine)
  23. 33. Maleta (If you have a lot of clothes you pack them in this)
  1. 1. Hotel (Where you stay during a Vacation)
  2. 2. Frances(a) ( Paris Tower is in this country)
  3. 3. Cama (Where you sleep)
  4. 5. revisar ( When something is sus about your bag TSA does this)
  5. 6. aterrizar (When an airplane hits that ground that is called)
  6. 8. Mexicano(a) (The country below America)
  7. 9. Avión (What people fly in)
  8. 10. la Salida ( When a plane takes off what is this called)
  9. 11. traer (to bring)
  10. 13. despegar (When the airplane leaves the ground what is it called)
  11. 14. el asiento (Each row of a plane has 3 what)
  12. 15. hacer (idk this one is to do/make)
  13. 17. (The country above America)
  14. 18. Maletero (What is in the back of a car)
  15. 19. tarde ( Not early or not on time)
  16. 22. americano(a) ( "Oh Say can you seeeee" the National Anthem)
  17. 23. Ropa (What you wear on a day to day basis)
  18. 26. viajar (During the summer a lot of people like to do this)
  19. 29. Boleto (What you buy to get a seat on a plane)
  20. 30. la fila ( idk but the answer is row)
  21. 32. el/la Piloto ( The person who drives the plane)