Travel Words

  1. 2. To act in a play or to play music
  2. 4. Have enthusiasm for doing something
  3. 6. Having strong feelings for something
  4. 7. To divide evenly
  5. 9. To be very brave
  6. 10. in To join in and do something
  7. 12. To show or exhibit
  8. 14. Eager to learn or know something
  9. 15. To move or go from one place to another place
  10. 17. A feeling
  11. 19. Manage
  12. 20. Not able to escape from somewhere
  13. 21. When you like to do something
  1. 1. Anxious or worried
  2. 3. To have a good time on a special occasion
  3. 5. Related to religion or to the spirit (soul)
  4. 7. To worry about something over and over again
  5. 8. Feeling really sad
  6. 9. Formal activities that happen on a special occasion
  7. 11. Be attractive or interesting
  8. 12. To do something worthy of reward (or punishment)
  9. 13. Become less nervous or anxious
  10. 16. To have a lot of money
  11. 18. Where something began or started from