
  1. 4. a place where aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in
  2. 6. player n electronic device or a computer program for playing music that has been stored as MP3 files
  3. 7. a small video camera that can be held easily in one hand
  4. 8. pair of tubes with glass lenses at either end that you look through to see things far away more clearly
  5. 11. dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun
  6. 12. an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake
  1. 1. a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you
  2. 2. drawing of the Earth's surface, or part of that surface, showing the shape and position of different countries
  3. 3. a device for finding direction with a needle that can move easily and that always points to magnetic north
  4. 5. a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order and that explains their meanings, or gives a word for them in another language
  5. 9. device for taking photographs or making films or television programmes
  6. 10. a natural upward projection of the earth's surface, higher and steeper than a hill and often having a rocky summit