
  1. 3. Where you enter a hotel.
  2. 6. To leave.
  3. 8. The big bag you travel with.
  4. 9. A person who travels on an airplane.
  5. 10. A form of ID you need to travel.
  6. 12. Vegetable popular in Guiyang
  7. 13. What you buy before you travel.
  8. 15. To register at a hotel or the airport.
  1. 1. A journey by airplane.
  2. 2. To get on a plane, bus, train or boat.
  3. 4. a person who stays in a hotel
  4. 5. The place in an airport where you get on a plane.
  5. 7. A place where you can eat.
  6. 11. Where you get a bus or train
  7. 14. The thing you use to enter your room.