
  1. 4. when your car hits another car
  2. 7. when the busdrivers stop work because they want more money for example
  3. 8. when the plane arrives
  4. 11. when your car/bus/train stops working
  5. 12. when you get a ride with a friend
  6. 13. when the plane leaves
  7. 14. people waiting in line
  8. 16. when traffic is very slow and sometimes stops
  9. 18. when the plane moves around because of strong wind
  10. 20. describes city
  11. 21. start a journey
  1. 1. describes countryside
  2. 2. important travel document
  3. 3. money
  4. 5. what you need so you don't get sunburn
  5. 6. when the plane is late
  6. 9. isolated
  7. 10. when you can't find your way
  8. 15. when you get a ride with a stranger
  9. 17. when you are late for the bus/train
  10. 19. when you get on the plane