
  1. 1. When you’re … in traffic, you can’t move
  2. 2. A long comfortable vehicle for carrying a large number of passengers, especially on long journeys
  3. 7. Not the driver
  4. 8. On a plane, you can book a window seat or an … seat
  5. 9. When you’ve arrived at your destination, you should get … the bus
  6. 10. A proof of payment
  7. 12. An occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially when there is a long distance between the places
  8. 13. At the end of a journey, you might give this to the taxi driver if you’re happy with the service
  1. 1. You have to fasten this in a car or on a plane
  2. 3. The money that you pay for a journey (e.g. on a bus or train)
  3. 4. With a lot of people
  4. 5. A line of vehicles waiting behind something that is blocking the road is called a traffic ...
  5. 6. A boat that makes short regular journeys between two or more places
  6. 11. A short holiday