Treasure Hunt (Round 1)

  1. 3. a member of a race of female warriors of Greek mythology.
  2. 4. not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change.
  3. 7. intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
  4. 10. a popular style or practice
  5. 11. to keep carefully
  6. 13. referring to food or cooking which incorporates elements of both Eastern and Western cuisine.
  7. 14. "Afro-Caribbean _____________,Latin American____________
  8. 16. a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in cover
  1. 1. a university academic of the highest rank
  2. 2. move in which a person drops the head into the bent crook of a slanted arm, often while raising the opposite arm in a parallel direction but out straight.
  3. 5. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
  4. 6. natural aptitude or skill.
  5. 8. search determinedly for someone or something
  6. 9. Derived from two Latin words which together mean applying oneself to painstaking application.
  7. 12. used to comment on a foolish or stupid action, especially someone else's.
  8. 15. Word derived from Japanese language that literally means picture letters or characters