
  1. 3. Filled with happiness and delight
  2. 6. Experiencing intense and ecstatic joy
  3. 8. Filled with pleasure and happiness
  4. 10. Expressing joy and celebration
  5. 12. Happy and optimistic in demeanor
  6. 14. Positive and enthusiastic
  7. 15. Full of energy and enthusiasm
  1. 1. Satisfied and at ease with life
  2. 2. Emitting a warm and joyful aura
  3. 4. Full of high-spirited and joyful energy
  4. 5. Experiencing pure and utter happiness
  5. 7. Full of happiness and good cheer
  6. 9. Feeling triumphant and elated
  7. 11. Extremely happy and thrilled
  8. 13. Beaming with positive energy