Tri 1 Exam Review

  1. 5. The Battle of _______ was not the final battle of the war, but it was the decisive battle. 4-5
  2. 6. Laws that restricted the rights of slaves and prevented slave rebellions (2) 2-2
  3. 9. The _____ of 1763 announced that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains 3-1
  4. 12. Five colonists were shot and killed in the streets of Boston on March 5, 1770, at this event (2) 3-2
  5. 14. In 1783, the British finally recognized America’s independence in the Treaty of ______. 4-5
  6. 17. Who won the Revolutionary War - United States or Great Britain? (2) 4-5
  7. 19. John ______ led the Massachusetts Bay Colony, hoping to create a “City Upon a Hill” 1-3
  8. 21. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay wrote a series of essays called the ______ to influence the public to support the new Constitution (2) 5-3
  9. 22. The _______ System helped to encourage British citizens to come to North America to grow the colonies 1-1
  10. 23. The Battle of Saratoga was a major turning point in the war because it convinced which country to openly support the Americans? 4-3
  11. 24. The Continental Army almost collapsed during the winter at which Pennsylvania location? (2) 4-3
  12. 25. Most of the slaves in the colonies worked in the _____ of Southern plantations 2-2
  13. 29. A person who supported the war for independence was called this. 4-2
  14. 30. King ____ III was the king during the 1770s 3-1
  15. 31. The colonists avoided new taxes because they wanted _____ in Parliament 3-1
  16. 33. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial are the names of the _____ of government 5-3
  17. 34. One of the three “unalienable” rights in the Declaration of Independence (4 letters) 4-1
  18. 37. A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives 5-1
  19. 39. One of the three “unalienable” rights in the Declaration of Independence - the pursuit of ____ (9 letters) 4-1
  20. 42. One of the three “unalienable” rights in the Declaration of Independence (7 letters) 4-1
  21. 43. A nation’s plan of how its government works is called this 5-1
  22. 45. The colonists would ____ British goods as their main strategy for getting taxes repealed
  23. 46. The Enlightenment convinced many people that all people have basic human ______ that no government can deny. 2-4
  1. 1. According to the Declaration of Independence, when a government doesn’t guarantee our rights, citizens have the right to create a new government that serves the _____ 4-1
  2. 2. Virginia’s House of _________ was America’s first example of representative democracy that set the example for our future government 1-1
  3. 3. A government where the laws are based on religious principles is called this 1-3
  4. 4. The original goal of the Constitutional ______ was to make minor changes to the Articles of Confederation 5-2
  5. 7. Common Sense was a book of propaganda written by _____ to persuade colonists to want independence (last name only) 3-5
  6. 8. Britain won the _______ War in 1763 2-5
  7. 10. A person who remained faithful to Britain during the war was called this. 4-2
  8. 11. How many colonies did England ultimately create along the Atlantic Coast of North America? 1-5
  9. 12. The French and Indian War was essentially a war between France and _____. 2-5
  10. 13. The Mayflower ______ was an agreement that the settlers would work together for the common good of the colony. 1-2
  11. 15. He was chosen to lead the Continental Army (first and last name) 3-4
  12. 16. John Locke said that kings do not have a “______ ______” to rule. (2) 2-4
  13. 18. Who became famous for striking the first blow against the French? (Last name only) 2-5
  14. 20. North America, Africa, and Europe were the three points of economic system (2) 2-2
  15. 23. The Articles of Confederation was America’s ______ constitution 5-1
  16. 26. This Native American helped the Pilgrims survive that first year 1-2
  17. 27. Sam Adams organized this group to protest the Stamp Act (3 words) 3-1
  18. 28. On December 16, 1773, about 150 men boarded three ships in Boston Harbor and destroyed crates of tea. This became known as the _______ (3) 3-3
  19. 32. The _______________ inspired our founding fathers, as well as the Declaration of Independence, the Consitution, and the Bill of Rights. 2-4
  20. 35. The _____ were very religiously strict, created a theocracy called the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and were not tolerant of other religions 1-3
  21. 36. In this system, the states share much of their power with the central government 5-3
  22. 38. The Pilgrims came to North America in search of what kind of freedom? 1-2
  23. 40. The Northwest Ordinance said that _____ was not allowed anywhere in the Northwest Territory 5-1
  24. 41. The Jamestown settlers finally found financial success by growing _____ 1-1
  25. 44. The first ____ amendments make up the Bill of Rights (spell the number) 5-3