
  1. 3. A jury that is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, resulting in a mistrial and potentially requiring a new trial with a different jury (4;4)
  2. 7. A decision or judgment made by a judge or court regarding a legal matter, typically based on interpretation of the law and evidence presented (6)
  3. 8. To give sworn evidence or testimony under oath in court, typically as a witness to events or facts relevant to the case (7)
  4. 9. A legal dispute or controversy between parties brought before a court for resolution (4)
  5. 10. A person who testifies under oath in court about what they have seen, heard, or otherwise know related to the case (7)
  6. 11. Rules and regulations established by a governing authority that are enforceable through legal mechanisms, aimed at governing behavior and maintaining order within society (3)
  7. 13. Decision or judgment that is formed or supported by everyone in a group (9)
  8. 15. A room in which legal proceedings, such as trials or hearings, take place, presided over by a judge (9)
  9. 16. The formal decision or finding made by a jury or judge at the conclusion of a trial, determining the guilt or liability of the defendant in a criminal or civil case (7)
  1. 1. A public official appointed or elected to preside over legal proceedings, interpret and apply the law, and ensure fair treatment of all parties (5)
  2. 2. A legal representative of the government who brings criminal charges against a defendant and presents the case in court (10)
  3. 4. A group of impartial individuals selected to hear evidence and render a verdict in a trial based on the facts presented and the applicable law (4)
  4. 5. The process by which a jury discusses the evidence presented during a trial and reaches a decision or verdict (12)
  5. 6. Legal representatives hired or appointed to defend the accused in a criminal trial or represent a party in a civil trial (7;6)
  6. 12. Information presented in court to prove or disprove facts relevant to the case, which may include testimony, documents, physical objects, or expert opinions (8)
  7. 14. The reason or cause that prompts a person to act in a certain way, particularly relevant in criminal cases to establish intent (6)