Triangle Congruency Proof Vocab

  1. 1. The shortcut used when two triangles have two congruent angles and a congruent side that is not between those two angles.
  2. 2. The shortcut used when two triangles have two congruent angles and a congruent side between those two angles.
  3. 4. One of the congruency shortcuts you cannot use.
  4. 5. You mark two lines parallel by drawing _____ pointing the same direction.
  5. 10. When two lines intersect and create a right angle, you use this definition in a proof.
  6. 11. A line that splits something into two congruent parts.
  7. 14. The || symbol means that two lines are _____.
  1. 1. One of the congruency shortcuts you cannot use.
  2. 3. The shortcut used when two triangles have three congruent sides.
  3. 6. When two triangles share a side or angle, you use this reason in a proof.
  4. 7. Shortcuts like SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL prove that two triangles are _____.
  5. 8. A point that is halfway between two endpoints and splits a segment into two congruent parts.
  6. 9. The angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  7. 12. The shortcut used when two triangles have two congruent sides and a congruent angle between those two sides.
  8. 13. The shortcut used to prove that two right triangles are congruent when the hypotenuse and leg are marked congruent.