  1. 3. If a triangle has two sides the triangle.
  2. 7. an isosceles triangle angles opposite to equal sides are___________________.
  3. 9. a criterion of congruence in which two sides and the angle included by them are equal to corresponding sides and the angle of other triangle.
  4. 10. If two squares completely overlap each other they are said to be ________.
  1. 1. right - hypotenuse - side criterion is written as______________.
  2. 2. the longest side of a right angled triangle.
  3. 4. A triangle with all side of different length are called______________.
  4. 5. a triangle with all sides equal is called___________-.
  5. 6. If two angles and one side of a triangle is equal to corresponding two angles and one side of other triangle,name the congruence criterion.
  6. 8. If all three sides of a triangle are equal to corresponding sides of other triangle, then they are congruent by which criterion.