Triangles and Congruence

  1. 6. A triangle with one angle equal to 90 degrees
  2. 7. The sum of the angle measures of any triangle (three words)
  3. 8. AAA (three words)
  4. 11. The sum of the squares of the legs equals the square of the hypotenuse (two words)
  5. 12. A triangle with all sides different lengths
  6. 13. ASA (three words)
  7. 15. A triangle with three equal angles
  8. 17. SSS (three words)
  9. 18. Corresponding parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
  1. 1. SSA (three words)
  2. 2. A triangle with three congruent sides
  3. 3. An angle in a triangle formed by one side of a triangle and the extension of an adjacent side (two words)
  4. 4. HL (two words)
  5. 5. SAA (three words)
  6. 6. An interior angle that is not adjacent to an exterior angle (three words)
  7. 9. A triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees
  8. 10. SAS (three words)
  9. 14. A triangle with all angles less than 90 degrees
  10. 16. A triangle with at least two congruent sides