
  1. 2. sum of two sides of a triangle is _______ than the third side
  2. 5. three sides of a triangle equal to corresponding sides of other triangle has ___ congruency criterion
  3. 7. hypotenuse and one side of a right triangle are equal to hypotenuse and a side of another triangle has ___ congruency criterion
  4. 9. triangles with all sides equal is called ___________ triangle
  5. 10. side opposite to greater angle is called ______
  6. 11. triangles having two equal sides is called _________
  7. 12. sides opposite to equal angles are called _____
  1. 1. longest side of right triangle is called __________
  2. 3. two angles and one side are equal to two angles and a side of other triangle has ___ congruency criterion
  3. 4. two circles of same radii are called _________
  4. 6. angle opposite to shortest side is called ________
  5. 8. all line segments drawn to a line from a point drawn on its _____________ distance is shortest