- 2. Where are oceans with no water
- 5. What waves but never says hello
- 6. If two's company and threes a crowd, what does 4 and 5 make?
- 8. What can you make but never see
- 9. The answer is easy
- 12. What is the strongest birds
- 14. I'm so fragile that if you say my name I'll break, what am I?
- 15. What travels the worlds but stays in one spot
- 1. What has three feet but can't walk
- 3. What is full of holes but holds liquid
- 4. What has four wheels and flies
- 7. What fills a room but takes up no space
- 10. What kind of dress can never be worn
- 11. What have one thumb and four fingers but isn't alive
- 13. What three-letter word sounds like a letter it does not contain?