Trig Crossword

  1. 3. The longest side of a right triangle.
  2. 4. The radius times angle theta in radians.
  3. 9. a squared plus b squared equals c squared.
  4. 11. The reciprocal of secant.
  5. 13. Hypotenuse/Opposite
  6. 14. Opposite/Hypotenuse
  7. 18. The 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles.
  8. 19. Hypotenuse/Adjacent
  9. 21. This Greek letter is used to represent an angle.
  10. 22. The direction you rotate for negative angles.
  11. 23. Opposite/Adjacent
  1. 1. The coordinate plane is divided into these 4 regions.
  2. 2. Angles that start and stop in the same place.
  3. 5. The branch of math that studies triangles.
  4. 6. An angle whose measure is between 0 and 90 degrees.
  5. 7. The reciprocal of tangent.
  6. 8. A triangle with a 90 degree angle.
  7. 10. Another way to measure an angle.
  8. 12. The acronym for sine, cosine, and tangent.
  9. 15. One way to measure an angle.
  10. 16. 3.141592...
  11. 17. The 2 sides of a right triangle (not the hyp.)
  12. 20. The direction you rotate for positive angles.