
  1. 2. Special Case—Half of a square.
  2. 4. A = √S(S - a)(S - b)(S - c) with S = (a + b + c)/2
  3. 6. A triangle that contains a 90 degree angle.
  4. 9. The side opposite the right angle and also the longest side.
  5. 10. a² + b² =c²
  6. 11. Special Case—Half of an equilateral triangle.
  7. 12. The acute angle a line makes with a horizontal line, when measured above the horizontal.
  8. 15. The inverse of the trigonometric functions.
  9. 18. If two sides and an angle opposite one of them is given, three possibilities can occur in oblique triangles.
  10. 19. The three trigonometric functions of a right triangle, with an acute angle θ, are defined by ratios of two sides of the triangle.
  11. 25. a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC
  12. 26. The acute angle a line makes with a horizontal line, when measured below the horizontal.
  13. 27. H/A
  14. 28. A/H
  1. 1. Trigonometry that applies only to right triangles.
  2. 3. Area= 1/2(b)(h)
  3. 5. A/O
  4. 7. a² = b² + c² - 2(b)(c)(cosA)
  5. 8. The term for the sides of a triangle.
  6. 13. The type of problems that concerns an observer looking at an object.
  7. 14. O/H
  8. 16. O/A
  9. 17. The ratios of corresponding sides, heights, and measures of angles are equal.
  10. 20. Triangles that have the same shape and the same size.
  11. 21. A triangle that has no right angles.
  12. 22. The side next to the angle we are solving for.
  13. 23. A term that comes from two Greek words meaning "measurement of triangles".
  14. 24. The side opposite to the angle we are solving for.
  15. 28. H/O