Trinity Sunday @Reformation

  1. 2. What was the name of the King who died in the year Isaiah saw the Lord?
  2. 5. Christ has redeemed me, a _________ creature.
  3. 6. Jesus says no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are ____ again.
  4. 7. Yet Scripture teaches that God exists as how many distinct persons?
  5. 8. What does Isaiah say is unclean on his body?
  6. 10. I believe Jesus is true ____ begotten of the Father from eternity.
  7. 14. We pray to show ourselves as God's children constant in this.
  8. 15. We confess in the Athansian Creed that the Father is this.
  9. 18. What does Isaiah confess he is when he saw the Lord?
  10. 20. The Holy Spirit opened our eyes to see the light of this.
  11. 23. Praise God, from whom all these flow.
  12. 25. The Lord makes this grow for people to cultivate.
  13. 28. We have the great opportunity to say this creed in worship!
  14. 29. How many wings did the seraphim have?
  15. 30. We worship one God in Trinity without doing this to the persons.
  16. 31. I believe Jesus is true _____ born of the virgin Mary, is my Lord.
  17. 32. Our Triune God makes us not servants but blessed members of his ______.
  18. 33. Where does the seraphim touch Isaiah with the coal to show his sin is atoned for?
  19. 34. The voice of the LORD is ______.
  20. 37. the Trinity is equal in this.
  21. 39. Who came to Jesus at night to ask him questions?
  22. 40. The Lord was asking Isaiah, Whom shall I _____?
  23. 42. I cannot by my own thinking or choosing ________ in Jesus Christ.
  1. 1. The Holy Spirit has enlightened me with his ________.
  2. 2. What the Triune God does for us and offers us is completely _______.
  3. 3. For God so loved _______ that he gave his one and only Son.
  4. 4. The Holy Spirit has called me by the ________.
  5. 6. Christ purchased and won me from all sin with his holy, precious _____.
  6. 9. Jesus didn't come to be served, but to ______.
  7. 11. The Pharisee confesses that Jesus is a teacher who has come from _____.
  8. 12. If we are children of God, then we are _____.
  9. 13. God still preserves me by daily providing this.
  10. 16. We confess in the Athansian Creed that the Son is this.
  11. 17. The Spirit brought about this to God's family.
  12. 19. I believe God created me and gave me my ________.
  13. 21. What does the Pharisee address Jesus as?
  14. 22. Whoever wishes to be saved must have this of the Trinity found in that Athanasian Creed.
  15. 23. I believe God created me and also gave me my _______.
  16. 24. Just as Moses lifted up the ____ in the wilderness, Jesus must be lifted up.
  17. 26. No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of the ______.
  18. 27. When the time had fully come, God sent his Son to redeem those under the _____.
  19. 28. Whoever does not keep this faith pure in how many points will certainly perish forever?
  20. 32. With two wings the seraphim were doing this.
  21. 35. Scripture teaches that there are how many gods?
  22. 36. In regard to the Father, Jesus was this as to his diety.
  23. 38. We pray to be fervent in this.
  24. 41. In regard to the Father, Jesus was this as to his humanity.