Trip's Treasure Hunt - December

  1. 2. Sweet dairy-based beverage
  2. 5. A bishop of Greek descent from Myra
  3. 9. The zodiac sign of those born Nov 23 - Dec 21
  4. 10. Sparkly decorative strings
  5. 11. Red and white striped candy
  6. 12. A special sock to hang on your mantel
  7. 13. A short individual who makes toys
  8. 14. Species of deer with circumpolar distribution
  9. 15. A chilly man built by kids
  1. 1. The shortest day of the year
  2. 3. What bears do in winter
  3. 4. A winter holiday celebrating Jesus' birthday
  4. 6. December's birth flower
  5. 7. The zodiac sign of those born Dec 22 - Jan 19
  6. 8. A little keepsake to hang on a branch
  7. 9. A gift-giver from the North Pole