Trojan War Characters

  1. 5. Country across the Aegean Sea from Troy.
  2. 6. Trojans use the sea to do this.
  3. 7. Troy is an example of this.
  4. 10. King of Sparta, married Helen.
  5. 12. King of Mycenae, leads Greek army to war.
  6. 13. Banished son of King Priam, falls in love with Helen.
  7. 14. King of Ithaca, tough warrior and clever strategist.
  8. 15. Empire to the east of Troy in Asia Minor.
  1. 1. Body of water to the west of Troy.
  2. 2. Wealthy city-state in Asia Minor.
  3. 3. Best Greek warrior, only weakness is his heal.
  4. 4. King of Troy, an old man.
  5. 8. Oldest son of Priam, great warrior.
  6. 9. Daughter of Priam, has power of prophecy.
  7. 11. Most beautiful woman in Greece, wife of Menelaus.